Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Melynda's Birthday

This afternoon we all went to the American Consulate for the swearing in ceremony and thus the adoption is done and visa issued so we can travel back to the States tomorrow. The whole event was nothing more then waiting in a room then a group swearing in and then leaving. It took longer to get there then to finish everything. It was a little bit of a let down, but good to know everything is done!

After that our group went to Lucy's for one last group dinner and yet again another birthday party. This is Melynda. She turned one. She came into Civil Affairs with Claudia on Gotcha Day and the care taker was crying when she handed them over to us. Claudia clearly remembers Melynda and it is clear that they are friends. It is weird to think that they knew each other before they knew us. Melynda was described by the orphanage as obstinate...she cried in her referral picture and cried on Gotcha Day. Soon there after she became a Daddy' girl, almost snubbing her Mommy, but as each hour and day pass you could see Melynda changing. She laughed more and more. She let her mommy hold her for short times and by today she knew for sure who her mommy is amazing to the transformations these little ones have made in this short time.

Dinner was another bittersweet gathering. While it will be so exciting to in this "cocoon" as Jim calls it these past weeks was like a second home. We all shared something that is hard to describe. I was in a room when five women became Mommies and five men became Daddies for the first time, that i something that I will never forget. In this short time we have found friends. Our guide Grace will be so missed. She helped us through this process and dealt with all our complaints and too became a friend. I will miss all these people and babes and only hope we continue to watch our children grow.

I will also miss the China I have seen and the China I have yet to discover. I hope to return again when Claudia is older and bring Colton along too...It is a unique country with unique and fabulous people. Much different from the US, but for the most part very warm and welcoming. Plus the food has been outstanding. I am unsure how I will deal with US takeout again??

Right now I am packing and getting everything ready for our journey home. We will be up at 5 am and then on our way home to introduce Claudia to her brother. I miss him dearly but realize that we did need this time to get to know our daughter. While not every moment has been easy, I would not trade it for the world. Cha Lian is bright and funny, likes to head-but and when she smiles and reaches for me I just melt. She is where she was always meant to now I am off to finish packing and maybe stop in a shop or two..Ciao!

Oh yeah I posted today's photos below..enjoy!
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Anonymous said...


Thanks again for allowing us into your wonderful Blog and incredible journey through China with your new beautiful baby girl, Claudia.

We are so excited to see Kim, Sean and Cha Bing ...we can't wait to meet her.

Your documentation, write ups, photos and comments made us all feel like we were there with you. I wish you much happiness with Claudia and a safe trip home to Colton. I feel like we know you.

Best of luck and if you are ever in Philadelphia visiting, we would love to meet you and your family. Hopefully you and Kim will stay in touch. Safe trip home to New Jersey.

Elizabeth Guillory
(Kim /Sean Robinson's friend)

Anonymous said...


I am Sean and Kim's uncle from Ohio (Go Bucks!). I have been following yours and Cathy's blog the past 3 weeks.
It has been an adventure following everyone's blog.
Your stories left no page unturned.
You photos have been some of the best stories in themselves.
Being a photo nut I must compliment you and Cathy on a fantastic prospective of your travels and view of China.
It was like living the adventure with you.

You are all great people (all 6 families)to make the commitment to these beautiful and special girls.

May your lives be filled with much joy and happiness for a life time.

God does special things for people like you.
You daughters are examples of that.

I hope your 6 families stay friends for a lifetime.

My your trip back be warm and safe.
Welcome Home!

Most Sincerely

Richard B (uncle to Sean)

Cathy said...

I miss you guys, and the rest of the group!!!
How are things going?