Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Red Couch

On Monday night it was Kajsa's mommy, Cathy's birthday. We celebrated with traditional Cantonese minus the snakes, bugs and dogs...Claudia has really began to show some personality. At night we watched the light and laser show again each time I see it I think I am in some anime cartoon.

On Tuesday we began the day with breakfast..lots of steamed eggs, Chinese meatballs, lychee and dragon fruit for Claudia. Hopefully I can hit the Chinese grocery on the way home from the airport. After that it was time to stroll the town. I really love it here!! I did some shopping. Arguing for good deals is a science that I am attempting to master. I had a great Mocha Latte at Starbucks. tried to get some photos there but were told by management we were not allowed. This happened in a Wal mart and at a fish market. I think every now and then they want to remind me they are communists. We enjoyed watching more brides and grooms get photographs taken. cathy and I jumped in some of their shots and when we asked the bride when the wedding was, she said December??? They love photos here and obviously do them well in advance..the whole wedding thing is very very strange here.
I then returned to the hotel and enjoyed the edited version of CNN..then came preparation for the Red Couch Photo. FYI, each adoption group must travel through Guangzhou and it is a tradition for each group to be photographed at the White Swan on the red couch. Our darlings have turned into little princesses in just over a week. Enjoy the photos below you will see they have on the best silks around!!

After that all the moms met for cocktails in the bar to catch up and enjoy the setting. dads were sent to the rooms with the babes. After drinks the guys and babes were summoned for dinner at Lucy's. The food there is great as are the beers. We were lucky and made it in time for two for one happy hour. Claudia downed two plus bowls on chicken congee. You would never believe one so small could each so much...

After some food drink and banter we did some more shopping. I am trying to get Colton a Pucca and Garo doll set (although on the phone he just said Claudia can have the Pucca) and some transformers..then off to the room for a bottle bath and bed....for Claudia that is...Now I am writing this entry and enjoying the laser light show. We have one more day here then time to go home. I am eager to get to the States and see Colton. Although admittedly this place is great and I will miss it!!

Tomorrow it is off to a Buddhist temple for a blessing of our babies then to the Pearl Market and then to the US Consulate for a swearing in ceremony to make this whole thing certified for real....Enjoy my photos below and see how each day Claudia and all her friends are becoming more and more animated, happy and part of a family...Until next time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lisa and Brian,

I've enjoyed following along via the blog. Have a safe trip home. Looking forward to meeting Claudia in person.
