Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Well it has taken some time but I finally have a chance to post an update...Things have been going great..we were meet at the airport by Colton, my parents, my sister and her children. Everyone had welcome signs....I think we caused a spectacle...I took some photos but was too overjoyed with seeing Colton and introducing him to his sister..she took to him right away and he appears to be in love..hopefully the honeymoon does not end.

Claudia has adjusted to her room and has continued to sleep from at least 8pm to 8am. She attended her first doctor's appointment. Overall things seem okay. She is obviously malnourished, but she is doing all she can to remedy that. I swear the girl does not stop eating. Dr. Aronson said as long as she does not throw up let her eat all she wants. We switched from Chinese formula to milk and we have been blessed with neighbors from Vietnam who essentially packed the refrigerator with Congee. I have cooked steamed eggs and congee both Claudia eats like crazy and she loves Lo Mein. She also has taken to Liverwurst Sandwiches and Mango Juice but dislikes applesauce and is unsure of ice cream as babies in China do not eat anything cold.

Colton enjoys waking her each morning and as you can see tries to carry her often. She is getting stronger each day finally able to hold her own bottle and sit unattended for sometime. We have been playing with her on the floor alot and feel she may crawl soon. She has a walker and is a terror in it as she was in China and also enjoys a jumper and exersaucer. Her low muscle tone should be much improved by our next doctor's appointment.

Claudia has started swimming lessons at the local Y with her Dad twice a week and has learned to enjoy the water. Her first bath or two in China were horrible experiences so much so that we gave up while there and resorted to just washing her down with towels, but when we got home obviously things would change and they did. The first night she cried and each night since then less and less and now she laughs and kicks and splashes. The difference - Colton. I put them in together and it is just one happy family.

In the mere 25 days since we have been home Claudia had a birthday. She was at the beach and boardwalk. She went to her grandmothers, enjoyed the Lake and visited NYC. She has meet most of her cousins and relatives and now we are in the process of planning her Baptism.

Tonight I plan to post a slide show of the past weeks and hopefully get to update more often.

I thank everyone for their love and support and generosity. If you have any questions just ask and I will be glad to answer...Until next time - Peace Out....

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