Monday, July 7, 2008

JULY 7th

This morning was busy. We started off at the breakfast buffet which again is the bomb...what's better than french toast with crab dumplings...Claudia chowed down on steamed egg, Chinese meatballs, lychee and dragon fruit. She seems to enjoy the Chinese food, not true for western food, too bland.

After breakfast we played ball with Kajsa is the hall and then we all we off to take passport photos and get medical examinations. Each child had to see three different doctors, I think that is what they were, one did height weight and temp, the next was an ENT - the ENT bore a striking resemblance to Joel, or perhaps it was his head gear then there was a basic physical where legs back and abdomen was checked. Claudia as well as the others passed with flying colors. The doctors did find a few babes with ear infections, and prescriptions for antibiotics were given, no one wants to deal with that on the plane ride home.

After that it was off to the Starbucks and the bartering for goods. I purchased traditional clothing for Claudia, squeaky shoes and a few other trinkets so she can have items from her homeland. As we walked through the park I saw many couples posing for wedding photos. Apparently the Chinese take pictures before the wedding day and the shots are very elaborate.

Next it was back to the room where Claudia ate noodles and more noodles and then napped. During nap time we visited the gym, Brian read and I typed this info in. Tonight we are going out for a Chinese dinner. The area we are in is known as Canton so obviously the food is Cantonese style. we have been told the Cantonese will eat anything that flies except for planes, and anything that has legs except for planes....we will see...I posted photos from our day below..I am going to shower and head to starbucks for a Mochacino..the air is cool in there, by the way it is usually over 100 degrees here each day and very humid....

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