Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Girls Girls Girls

This is a photo of Anna with Claudia. Anna is the eldest of the bunch born in April of 2007. Anna has the most hair and is more physically stable then most.She did not like anyone looking at her the past few days, but alas today was abreaktrough not only could we look at her but she smiled back.
Claudia and the others are all born in July of 2007. Claudia is not the youngest,although she is by far the smallest and the baldest. The orphanage director told me they always called her "Bao Bao" for just this reason. Claudia has finally started to sit unaided but only for short periods. She can't crawl or walk yet but once we are home we know things will move quickly. She can't hold a bottle or feed herself, but did hold a teething biscuit today to gnaw on. But she does have spunk and enjoys pushing the others and stealing their toys.
This evening we enjoyed Pizza from pizza Hut. It tasted like home just needed a little more sauce. While we ate the girls enjoyed bubbles. I have posted a slide show below of some of their photos. Little Grace is missing from them as she hit her head and needed a little down time. Each baby is very unique and has a totally different personality. Although they all love congee and steamed eggs. Those who had difficult first days have finally adjusted to the change and bonds between parent and child have formed and are visible. The bonding can beseen in extra smiles, little giggles and out stretched arms. The anxiety that was once on their little faces is all but gone and replaced with laughter. The fear we all felt upon meeting our daughters has totally disappeared and family units have formed. Tomorrow we are heading to porcelain alley to shop for some local items that arespecific to our daughters' province and then to the countryside to get a better idea of where are little ones come from...only two more nights here in Nanchang then off the Guangzhou.We miss everyone at home especially Colton, who we talk to daily. Claudia has been calling Ge Ge (big brother) for days now and I know she will be so happy to meet him.
Tian tian qin qin bao y bao, xiang qin xiang ai hao bu hao.
Every day {we}kiss and hug, {growing} more dear to each other
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