Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Unofficial End of Summer

So..Labor Day has come and summer is unofficially over....Since the beginning of summer was filled with preparations for China and the middle was spent in China it feels as if we only had a few short weeks to spend basking in the sunshine and enjoying the weather...well since Claudia's birthday on July 19, 2008 I have made every effort to get in everything one could possibly want in a summer so needless to say I am exhausted.

In July Colton attended art camp at the Montclair Art Museum and Claudia attended his exhibition. Photos below. Claudia continued swimming twice a week with her daddy and Colton got time in to at the town pool and Little Y. He also had two weeks at the Little Y camp in Montclair.

In July I took Colton and Claudia down to my parents in Little Egg Harbor for a long weekend where we enjoyed the lake at Bass River State Park and Claudia spent more time getting to know her cousins Cassidy, Michael and Jessica. The lake is a great place to swim with lots of lifeguards. Claudia loved the water and splashing with her cousins. She also loved throwing sand at me. Colton and Michael bought their fishing poles and went fishing with Papa but the short attempt resulted in not even a bite and Colton advising that it takes too long.

The kids and I also travelled to Point Pleasant for the beach and boardwalk. Claudia had her first lobster there and her first taste of the beach. Colton rode almost every ride in the place an enjoyed an ice cream which he shared with his sister. They are still in love.

I also took them to Ocean City New Jersey where Claudia went on her first Carousel Ride and enjoyed an Italian Sausage Sandwich, not to mention frozen custard. She seems to like chocolate the best although will refuse none. Nanny and Papa joined us on this adventure and we all seemed a little sad noting that we may not have time to go again this summer.

WE then all packed in the truck and north to "The Vermont House" as Colton calls it . The kids spent time in the pond swimming, boating and catching frogs. Nancy and Joel were there also and were astonished at the growth Claudia has made. It was the first time they experienced her eating first hand. Joel remarked that she is a Jewish mother's dream.

While in Vermont we all attended the most wonderful summer country party at the Pusey's home. They have a farm which they turned into a bed and breakfast. I put a link below in case anyone is interested. The weather and food the night of the party were fantastic not to mention the company. We walked to the party with Claudia in her stroller and Colton riding his John Deere. At the party the dj played music into the night and Claudia was a dancing queen. Her reaction to the doo wop music was indescribable. She clapped and smiled and danced. While she entered the party with some reluctance and hesitation it all gave way once the music started. Colton made new friends there and was off playing with a tractor and cows all night. Claudia shocked everyone by eating 3 hot dogs sans roll and watermelon. You may think all the eating is crazy, but her doctor, a specialist in international adoptions, said let her eat all she wants unless she throws up. The night ended with fireworks. They were the first Colton managed to stay up for but not Claudia's first. They seemed to be going off consistently in China and she seemed use to the noise and gazed up at them with a smile on her face as if she was remembering something good.

At the party I got a chance to meet and thank many of the women who made blankets and hats for me to take to China for the orphanage. I cannot thank them enough for their generosity.

While in Vermont Claudia and Colton got to call their cousins in Singapore on skype and we all saw each other while talking. Colton wants to go to Singapore soon and I told him hopefully in 2009. The kids also visited Miss Fran and petted new born bunnies. They saw chics, picked up some fresh eggs and enjoyed the dogs. The trip was great and we cannot wait to go back.

Colton clearly did not want to leave Vermont, but once home we headed south to Waikiki - a doo wop style hotel in Wildwood Crest NJ.

The beach for labor day weekend is something I have done every year for as long as I can remember. However I never remember being as tired as I was this labor Day. The kids were up by 6 am and swam non stop. Claudia loved the waves, loved the salt water on her body which was evidenced by her drinking it, loved the sand which too she tried to eat and loved the pool. Claudia had her first taste of crab and could not get enough. While there we celebrated Nanny's birthday and the cousins came for a day which was spent belly boarding, swimming, and playing. The day ended with Happy Birthday and a fantastic gelato cake. The fun was endless.

In Wildwood dad managed to make it down for a short stay and luckily he took over belly boarding with Colton and diving off the board in the pool. I gladly gave up those jobs. He also took Colton to the water park which is one job I wanted to do, but stayed behind with Claudia. Brian also enjoyed some time monitoring Claudia in the ocean and pool. Luckily he left his economist in the room so all eyes were on the kids!!!

After dad said his good byes - the kids had more time for enjoying the pool, flying their kite and alas the Wildwood Boardwalk. Claudia enjoyed fries, one of the few American foods she loves while Colton enjoyed the rides. After rides lunch and some ice cream we set out on a long journey north home. One can only imagine the traffic I sat in - while Colton watched his movies and Claudia alternated between crying and sleeping I drove home..I can say I do not want to face that task alone again anytime soon. All in all the vaca at the campy Waikiki was fabulous and marked the end of summer as kids know it.....Of course slideshows of fun had are posted below - as you can tell I love photographs...Ciao!!

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