Monday, September 22, 2008

September Brings Many Changes

Although January is the start of a new year, to me September always seems to be the real start of the year - this September has brought on a whole host of changes. My darling Colton started Kindergarten. I can't believe from here on out he will experience homework and work weeks - the fun days of late September and October vacations are over. While neither he nor I shed a tear on the first day in my heart I cried and can't believe just how fast he is growing up. So here he is in his new uniform in a new school, St. Cassian's, with all new friends and of course the dreaded homework. Colton also has a new Taekwondo belt, white with a red stripe and was lucky enough to make the Cougar swim time (both of these events mean a lot more driving for me - oh joy)

Claudia too has had some big changes..while at the mall getting Colton school shoes I passed the piercing pagoda and on a whim pierced her ears. Her Uncle Walter and Aunt Lulu had given her her first set of diamond earrings and for sure she should be able to wear them soon. That trip to the mall also included a pair of first walkers. Claudia crawled exactly thirty days from being home in the US this was on her belly but was crawling. 45days home she crawled on all fours and 60 days home she is up standing and cruising around - I anticipate before 90 days home she will be walking. Not only is she crawling all over the house but she loves to go up and down the stairs (which will be head first if you are not quick enough) and her hatred of water has developed into a love so much so that if you are not careful she will end up trying to swim in the toilet (at least she is not drinking it). I am going to try and post a video of the new shoes ans walking - been trying for two hours now and can't get will try again later...
Ciao for now....

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