Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hutong Tour Part 2


So this morning we saw the Hutong. We traveled through all the alleys and courtyards via rickshaw. This may have been one of the best tours I have ever done. We saw how real Beijing Chinese live. In fact we went to Mr. Wu's house in the Hutong and had jasmine tea with him. He had pet crickets which were gigantic. I think he raises them for fighting. In the Hutong everything is set up by class. Mr. Wu was labeled clearly middle class yet did not have indoor plumbing, i.e. no bathroom or sinks. He was generous and answered all the questions we had about family life in Beijing. The photo is of Mr. Wu and also includes Laura and Robin, Cathy and Jim, and Marla and Matt.

We had a guide Jerry today who was just plain hysterical, something out of a bad movie. While we were driving to a silk factory he kept talking about "hooters" (which he actually thought was an appropriate name for breast) and then he mentioned that they have a great Kentucky Fried Chicken Restaurant in Beijing and that has black people working in it so he assumes they are Americans and very very nice. He likes to go there to see them. After that he started inquiring on our positions about Tibet. He was clearly against a free Tibet reiterating that "there was a long history there" and then he said "we admit Tian'anmen Square happened but they were practicing illegal religions." No one in the group offered him any opinions on anything. All indications from the US State Department said to avoid topics of religion, race and politics. Yet he would not stop. It may have been one of the most politically incorrect diatribes we all had ever witnessed/heard and made for great laughs over lunch at a great Thai place called Jimmies.

He was a nice and knowledgeable young man and will be taking us on another tour tomorrow, but it was just suprising to hear all his opinions on things.

It is only 2 p.m. in the afternoon now here; taking a quick break to recharge and plan the rest of the afternoon and evening. jerry our guide wanted us to all go see the Chinese Acrobats with him but I do not think I would be able to stop laughing at him long enough to see the show.

Until later...Zai Jian
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Oyly! said...

Ni Hao Lisa and Brian!!

The Hutong tour sounds interesting!! wondering Have you had a Real Chinese food yet?

Anonymous said...

I am with Oy on this one, how is the food? I think any tour guide who uses the word "hooters" would somehow end up being your tour guide!

Lisa Arduini said...

Oy - first the Thai food I think was made by Chinese because they did not speak Thai ( I tried hello and thank you) and they and did not serve sticky rice or any rice with my green curry. Plus the women there looked more Chinese than thai, but the green curry was wonderful it had the best bamboo shoots I have ever tasted - so fresh not like the can ones i use at home to make it!!!! We have a breakfast buffet each morning that is Chinese and western. Today we will eat a real chinese lunch and tonight I have planned a dinner party at Da Dong for 19 of us Americans to eat the speaciality of Beijing - Peking Duck..I will let you know how they both are - Brian and our fellow traveler Matt had Hong Kong special noodles at the Thai place and they said it was better than fantastic....fresh vegtables and meat not like Chinese take out at home. We have seen a Mc Donalds, KFC, and Baskin Robbins here. We have heard they also have a new Friday's and a Papa Johns Pizza. I do not plan on eating Western food as I can do that at home but I may stop at McDonalds to take a photo to show Colton. I have also shopped at the local grocery store - you would not believe it, it is just like the one in NJ on Route 10, except you have to pay if you want a bag for your items. Our group was the only other caucasians that I have seen so far, but today we are going to larger tourist attractions. Thanks for following along..I miss you...LISA

Anonymous said...

we can get you fresh bamboo shoots from one of the chinese grocery stores near south brunswick or edison. the canned stuff is horrible but that is what we used before the opening up of trade, markets and imports between US and China the past 10 years. And Larraine and I thought the canned bamboo was awesome growing up.

Brian - nice t-shirt showing off your true American colors. Did you get strange looks from Chinese locals who or what Santana is?


Anonymous said...

not surprised lisa would be subject to probably one of millions of chinese perverted men who uses the word hooters.
